What value can you put on company Values?
Did you know it's National Values Day today?
We work with lots of organisations to help them to either define their values or to breathe life into already existing values.
A great set of organisation values will engage people, empower them to make the right decisions and provide a meaningful guide to what's most important to your business.
The problem that we hear from many employees is that they are told that values are critical to the organisation and asked to behave in a way that matches, but they see little evidence of those values-based behaviours at the upper levels of the business.
If your really want your values to permeate every level of your business then your actions really do speak louder than words.
You need to ask yourself if they way that you treat people, the decisions that you make, the behaviours that you allow are all congruent with the values that you say are so important.
Be a role model and SHOW people how important those values are, walk a path that is based on those values, (it won't always be easy), but show people the way, rather than dictate.
Values that have meaning and shape behaviours can make the difference between a brilliant organisation with engaged people and an ok employer.
Have a brilliant day and live your values!